I’ve heard it proposed that the Bible was written (or perhaps the original documents were influenced or corrupted) by those in positions of authority in order to maintain power and keep the subservient masses in their place. Some hold that institutions and those in authority have manipulated and used the Bible to keep their privilege and maintain control over other people. The problem with this theory is that if this were the purpose, the Bible would be the very last book they would want!
This is a Book in which those who wield power are the fools, the poor are elevated, the rich are the villains, and the last are first. The servant becomes king, the weak are made strong, and the tyrant gets eaten by worms. And when the underdog does make it to the top, if they forget humility and let hubris get the best of them, they end up falling from their position and losing power just like the pride-filled despot that came before. Generals cower, women lead battles, children are the teachers, and the meek inherit the earth.
The Bible is a book about Revolution. Throwing off the yoke of oppression and leading the slave to freedom. It is about the reversal of roles and the reformation of values. It is the Book of the Upside-Down Kingdom.