Boulder Park Community Page
This page is for residents of Boulder Park Apartments in University Place

Community Group & Bible Discussion
Tuesday evenings
January 21 - February 25
7:00 - 8:30 PM
In the Boulder Park Community Room
Sponsored by Sunset Bible Church
Are you looking for a way to meet your neighbors and make new friends? Would you like to explore the Bible and discuss questions of faith in a welcoming, non-judgmental environment? Join us on Tuesday evenings for a 6-week study of the Book of Exodus! This discussion-based group offers a friendly space to connect with others and engage in meaningful conversations.

Taco Tuesday
Grocery Giveaway
and Costume Contest!
Tuesday, Janurary 28th
5 PM-6 PM
Boulder Park Community Room
Grab a taco and some groceries compliments of the Puyallup Food Bank and Community Caring Resources Network
Recent Events for Residents at Boulder Park, sponsored by the Community Caring Resource Network:

September 17, 2024
Grab a taco and some groceries
compliments of the Puyallup Food Bank and
Community Caring Resources Network
Boulder Park Community BBQ & Summer Celebration
May Movie Madness
Saturday, May 11th
Come meet your neighbors, watch a movie, win door prizes, and have some snacks at the Boulder Park Community Room.
May 11th – The Beautiful Game (PG-13)
Note: Teens are welcome. All minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Leap Day Party and Bingo Night
A Life Group from Resurrection Church put together a Leap Day Party and Bingo Night for the residents of Boulder Park Apartments.
Group members assembled invite bags with donated items along with an invitation to the party. These were given to each resident.
At the party, 15 small group members volunteered to serve as greeters, hosts, bingo and game leaders, bringing snacks, and helping create an atmosphere of joy and friendship for the residents.
About 17 residents were in attendance, and the feedback was very positive!
Friendship, Faith, and Bible Discussion
Tuesday, April 30, 2024 7:00 – 8:30 PM Boulder Park Community Room
Would you like to meet some new people in an open and friendly environment? Are you interested in discussing faith in a non-threatening and encouraging atmosphere?
You are invited to the Friendship, Faith, and Bible Discussion on Tuesday, April 30th in the Boulder Park Community Room.
This event is brought to you by the Community Caring Resource Network and Sunset Bible Church.
Boulder Park has partnered with The Community Caring Resource Network to provide events that promote community, friendship, and neighborhood vitality.
If you have an idea for an event that you would like to see, please email [email protected].
The purpose of this Boulder Park Community Page is to announce social events, celebrate our community, foster friendships, and help people build a network of supportive relationships to increase resilience, well-being, and overall flourishing at Boulder Park Apartments. For information regarding this page, please contact [email protected].
A Community Focus Group was held on March 28, 2024 for residents to give ideas and feedback.
THANK YOU to the residents who came out to share their ideas for future events, and ways of improving the neighborhood.
Here is a preview, and some of the ideas discussed at the meeting:
- “Comfortable Conversations” (e.g. ESL, topcis)
- Quilting night
- Book Club
- Movie Night
- Bible Study
- Neighborhood Watch
Here is your chance to make a change for good in your community!
Boulder Park is looking for volunteers to help with organizing some of the events and initiatives that were suggested at the recent community focus group. There are so many ways to get involved, any resident can help make our community a better place to live.
Please email John at [email protected] or fill out the form below start making a difference today!
What is an Apartment Chaplain?
The Community Caring Resource Network has partnered with Boulder Park Apartments to provide services to residents that will promote the connectedness, vitality and holistic health of the residents and community. John Golling serves as Apartment Chaplain, and is available to assist in a variety of ways.
What does an Apartment Chaplain do?
● Organize events to help residents connect with one another and build friendships within the community
● Provide referrals for things such as counseling, substance abuse help, and emotional or mental health services
● Provide crisis intervention or conflict resolution
● Provide a listening ear and support for those facing loneliness or isolation
● Provide emotional and spiritual support to those facing the death of a loved one, a traumatic experience, or difficult circumstances
● Help organize funeral services
● Support a resident coping with a severe health issue or terminal illness
● Network with local organizations to help residents locate resources such as a food or clothing bank, pregnancy services, family services, finding a church or faith community, or other needed help
What is the Community Caring Resource Network?
Community Caring Resource Network … Caring is what we are about. Community is how it happens. Our mission is simple: we want to encourage relational connections among residents and empower those who want to help others in need. To do that, we seek to provide a current list of a wide range of resources for neighbors who want to help neighbors, who may be going through a difficult time.
Resource Directories
Below are a list of links to community service organizations in our area and documents that may be helpful for those with specific needs. Please contact us using this form if you find an error or outdated information.
Our goal is to list those organizations that operate with similar values as the CCRN. That being said, a listing here does not indicate full endorsement by the administrators of the CCRN.